Quicken Online: Soon to go away!

I got an email saying that Quicken.com, a free service, is going away. I saw this coming every since Intuit bought Mint.com which is a competing service. As a result I have signed up for Mint, got the free iPhone app, and am transitioning over to using it. I must say that so far I like Mint better!

I love the fact that it automatically updates and categorizes my transactions daily. I have alerts set up so I get notified via email on my iPhone if something "big" happens. It is also useful for tracking my net worth and seeing easily where I am over or under budget.

I am a big fan of the online tracking/budgeting tools and Mint is one of the best I have seen and used. I hope they continue to improve it and add all the institutions I need so I can accurately track everything in one place.

For those of you still using Quicken Online now is the time to get started. It takes a while to get Mint set up but trust me it is well worth the effort!