Work Travel: New York City!

Today I am in New York City! I am here for work to do an installation for one of our clients. Since the airfare was the same I will be staying in New York through Sunday evening. I plan to meet up with a friend of mine so he can show me some cool stuff int he city.

I got a first class upgrade on my Delta flight up last night and hope to get one on the way back Sunday. I am earning miles on this flight and am that much closer to another ticket overseas! I will also be earning miles from work expenses that will go on my Delta AmEx card also. Every dollar/mile counts!

While I am here I will go see a couple of the usual sites but also want to have some great, reasonably priced food. I am on the hunt for good NY Pizza, Mexican, and Chinese this time around. For the work portion of my stay I will be staying at the Pod Hotel which will be a new experience for me as well. I love it when work pays for a new experience!

This trip allows me to check New York City off "the list" of domestic places to see. I have been able to see a good bit of the domestic places I want to see because of work and am thankful for that. I hope that I will be able to get the majority of it cleared within the next couple of years.