2011 Goal Progress: Increase Income

I have a major goal this year of increasing my income. I am now working multiple channels to make this happen. So far:

  • Being more aggressive in finding side IT work -- paid off!
  • Taking a course to complete my technical school IT degree -- in progress
  • I am going to renew my notary registration to make myself stick out in job applications
  • After I am done with the above course I plan to study and take a Microsoft Exam
  • I am giving more thought on how I am investing my savings (more aggressive portfolio)
  • Meeting new people and networking more (I am REALLY lacking here)
As I move forward I hope all of these things will bring me more opportunities to increase my income. I am certainly below where I feel I should be at the moment and the down economy is making it that much more difficult to get ahead. I am also considering a job change to get the pay increase I want (and benefits would be great too).