2010 Goals Review

We are nearing the end of the year. I am looking back over the past 12 months and reflecting on my progress both in life in general and financially. Overall I feel it was a pretty good year with quite a few milestones hit. As I look forward to 2011 I can hope it will be more of the same.

Major Milestones for 2010:

  • All credit cards paid off
  • Refinanced my house to a much lower rate
  • Achieved a positive net worth
  • Negotiated a one month vacation from work to visit Asia
  • Substantially increased my savings on all fronts
Other honorable mentions include a focus on getting more side income from consulting work, I did get to see 2 new countries, and I went from a 10% pay cut to my normal salary again at work. I also have been eating better but I feel I could have done more. I am certainly more health conscious overall I it seems to help with my day-to-day life. 

How have you done with your 2010 goals? Meet them? Exceed them? Miss the mark?