Looking like a busy quarter!

Things are heating up at work and that means more travel for me. I already have New Orleans this month for pleasure as well as a definite trip to Baltimore/Maryland at some point. It is also looking like the possibility of North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Mississippi, and some other irons in the sales fire.

Today was a particularly busy day of year end and quarterly stuff we have to do around the office. I get to go to work at 2PM tomorrow since I have to do the server upgrades when no one else is working. I will use my morning off to run errands and have lunch with the girlfriend. I am not looking forward to being at the office late but life gets in the way sometimes.

I am already tired of the cold weather and am reminded of why I am working in the first place: to save enough money to get away from the cold. I don't mean Florida. More like Asia, South America, etc. Travel is where it's at. Work is just a necessary evil to get there.